partner with us

Interested in becoming a partner or want to know more? Apply below to get a link to our brochure!
apply as a partner

what is the opportunity
for you?

As a partner, you get to showcase promising startups from your network at major global tech events and secure dedicated seats for your VIPs. Our team supports your startups in refining their pitches, identifying their critical asks, and connecting them directly with influential Superconnectors who can make the introduction of a lifetime. We handle the event logistics and moderation, so you can focus on building valuable relationships.


We’re scouting over 1500 startups in a single year to put the best asks on stage.

400+ connectors

Our attendees are connected to the most elite executives, athletes and professionals around the globe.

200+ posts shared

We don't ask people to share our content. They post about us because they're extatic after events fihish.

15 intimate encounters

We make sure to get you exclusive encounters (35-50 pax) in the midst of the bustle of large tech conferences

we engineer breakthrOugh moments

In pivotal moments, our network's importance becomes clear. Just like selling a house with each day's delay, founders face shared obstacles. But networking isn't always enough.

We’re seeking introductions to unlock new markets, secure daring clients, gain insights, fill team gaps, and engage influencers. Our mission: engineer these breakthroughs.



to become

the ted

of connections

TED built an incredible platform by shining the spotlight on the few ideas that everybody needed to hear. Help us do the same for founders.

our partners


Logo of our partner: Gemeente Rotterdam


Logo of our partner: CitizenM



Advantage Austria logo
Innovation Quarter logo
de:hub German Startup Delegation logo
NL delegation logo
Koeln Business logo
LIOF logo
Upstream logo
NAF logo

Ecosystem partners

betahaus logo
Rise Barclays NYC logo
Crossroads 2023 logo
LUPP logo
Equals logo
Cela logo
Superconnectors logo - raisin